Mommy Makeover

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures designed to improve the appearance of your body after a pregnancy.

Each patient is unique and the custom cosmetic enhancement plan for a complete transformation is personalized.

A Mommy Makeover may include a tummy tuck, breast lift, liposuction, and skin rejuvenation.

Is a Mommy Makeover for me?

You may be a candidate for a Mommy Makeover if you are in good physical health and are not planning any future pregnancies.

We will be happy to meet with you for an initial consultation and discuss treatment options that are available to you.

Please be aware that a Mommy Makeover is not a substitute for weight loss or exercise and the results can be diminished by significant fluctuations in body weight.

mommy makeover, Dr Anzarut Plastic Surgery, British Columbia
A mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures that can improve the appearance of your body after a pregnancy

About Mommy Makeover Procedures

A Mommy Makeover may include a combination of the following procedures:

  • A Tummy Tuck which removes excess skin in the abdomen for a tighter, flatter appearance to the stomach area.
  • A Breast Lift that improves the appearance of sagging breasts as a result of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Liposuction which removes excess fat from stubborn areas and improves body contours.
  • Skin and face rejuvenation treatment to restore a youthful appearance.

For more information about our customized Mommy Makeover procedures, please contact Dr. Anzarut to schedule a consultation.

Mommy Makeover Results

A Mommy Makeover can be a cost effective, comprehensive solution to restore your pre-pregnancy body and enhance your appearance.

The results can be dramatic depending on the combination of procedures used.

Combination surgery can help patients achieve their goals in a much quicker time frame and feel more confident about their bodies.

While long lasting, a Mommy Makeover will not stop the aging process. Results can be extended with a healthy lifestyle and by maintaining a consistent body weight.

See Mommy Makeover “Before and After” Photos

Cost of a Mommy Makeover

The cost of a Mommy Makeover will depend on the types of procedures performed. Contact us for a consultation.

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