Mommy Makeover Before and After Photos

Case 13073

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This lady underwent a tummy tuck, breast lift, and breast augmentation approximately one year ago. Getting to this point was a long journey with lots of hard work.

This lady lost 100 lbs. She had gastric bypass surgery (a weight loss surgery), a change in her eating habits, and an increase in her exercise level. Loosing weight made her feel better and healthier. She came to Dr Anzarut to have the excess skin removed from her abdomen and undergo breast enhancement surgery.

Having plastic surgery before loosing weight will provide a sub-optimal result and increase the risks of complications. The most common complication related to elevated BMI is fat necrosis. This occurs 3-4 weeks after surgery. The deeper tissues fail to heal, the area becomes inflamed and infected, and the incisions tend to breakdown.

In order to ensure minimal complications and the best possible outcomes we encourage them to be at a BMI < 30 for 6 months before surgery.


Case 12778

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