Duncan, BC Cosmetic Surgery

Dr Anazarut Plastic Surgery Duncan, BC

Dr Anzarut is a board certified cosmetic surgeon in Duncan, British Columbia.

Cosmetic Surgeon in Duncan

At Dr Anzarut Plastic Surgery Duncan, we pride ourselves on providing individualized treatments and outstanding results.

Learn more about our cosmetic surgery services in Duncan, BC.

dr anzarut plastic surgery cosmetic surgery in duncan, bc
Dr Anzarut Plastic Surgery offers cosmetic surgery services in Duncan, BC

Cosmetic Surgery (Face)

Cosmetic Surgery (Body)

Minimally Invasive Treatments

Contact Us

Dr Anzarut Plastic Surgery Duncan

149 Ingram St Suite 204
Duncan, BC, V9L 1N8

Phone: 778-455-3223

Fax: 250-597-1297

Email: dralex@dranzarut.com

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.00pm

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In Duncan, popular cosmetic surgery procedures include breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, facelifts, and eyelid surgery. These procedures help patients achieve their aesthetic goals by enhancing different areas of the body and face, tailored to individual needs and desires.

To find a qualified cosmetic surgeon in Duncan, check for board certifications, years of experience, and patient testimonials. Scheduling a consultation to discuss your goals and gauge your comfort level with the surgeon is also essential in making an informed decision.

During the initial consultation, the surgeon will review your medical history, discuss your aesthetic goals, and perform a physical examination. They will explain the procedure, potential risks, recovery process, and costs. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and clarify any concerns.

Cosmetic surgery costs in Duncan vary based on the procedure and complexity. For example, breast augmentation may range from $8,000 to $12,000, while a facelift can cost between $18,000 and $26,000. A detailed quote will be provided during your consultation.

Recovery times differ by procedure. For example, liposuction patients may need 1-2 weeks off work, while those undergoing a tummy tuck might require 2-3 weeks. Full recovery can take several months, and following post-operative care instructions is crucial for optimal healing.

Yes, non-surgical treatments such as Botox, dermal fillers, laser treatments, and chemical peels are available in Duncan. These options offer less invasive ways to enhance appearance with shorter recovery times, suitable for patients who prefer non-surgical methods.

Risks associated with cosmetic surgery include infection, scarring, anesthesia complications, and unsatisfactory results. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon reduces these risks. It’s important to discuss potential complications and preventive measures with your surgeon during the consultation.

Preparing for cosmetic surgery involves a thorough medical evaluation, lifestyle adjustments such as quitting smoking, and planning for post-surgery care. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions to ensure you are physically and mentally prepared for the procedure and recovery.

Post-operative care includes following your surgeon’s instructions on wound care, medication, activity restrictions, and attending follow-up appointments. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for a smooth recovery and achieving the desired results. Regular check-ins with your surgeon help monitor progress.

Dr Anzarut Plastic Surgery provides before-and-after photos of previous patients to demonstrate our work. These photos help set realistic expectations and give you a better idea of potential outcomes. Always ask to see these images during your consultation.

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Also serving Victoria, Nanaimo, Duncan, Comox Valley, Cowichan Valley, Campbell River, and Vancouver Island.