Woman seeking breast augmentation surgery have considered the procedure for a long time before attending their first consultation. Each person is unique. Some woman wish to restore the breast volume lost after breast feeding, weight changes, or menopause. Others are born with small breasts and wish to increase their breast size to create a more hourglass figure. Finally, some woman suffer asymmetries or deformities of the breasts and they wish to have this fixed. What ever the reason, it is a personal decision that only you can make.

Why Choose Dr. Anzarut For Breast Augmentation Surgery
Dr. Anzarut has special training in cosmetic breast surgery. He completed a dedicated 6 month breast fellowship in Brussels (Belgium). This was with world renowned breast surgeons Drs. Hamdi and Zeltzer. Dr. Anzarut has published journal articles on breast enhancement surgery in all three of the top plastic surgery journals in the National Library of Medicine:
Article 2 – Superior pedicle breast reduction techniques increase the risk of postoperative drainage
Article 3 – Completely autologous platelet gel in breast reduction surgery: a blinded, randomized, controlled trial
Dr. Anzarut has also completed a plastic surgery residency in Canada. He successfully passed his plastic surgery board examination in both Canada (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons) and the United States (American Board of Plastic Surgery). He is a member of both the Canadian and American Societies of Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Anzarut has the experience and training to safely guide you through the decision-making process involved with breast augmentation surgery.
Am I A Good Candidate For Breast Augmentation surgery?
Breast augmentation is an elective surgery. It can be performed in most woman who are healthy enough to undergo a general anesthetic. It is possible to have breast augmentation under local anesthesia or with sedation. All patients must be in good health. If you are happy with your breast shape and would like to increase the size of your breasts, augmentation may be the best option for you.
If you would like to correct the shape of your breasts, lift the breasts, correct asymmetry, or correct a deformity; breast augmentation alone will not achieve these goals. You will likely need a breast surgery that involves moving or shifting the breast tissue. Examples of this are a mastopexy (breast lift), tubular breast surgery (snoopy breast surgery) or a breast reduction. For breast surgeries that involve shifting breast tissue you cannot use nicotine products (no smoking cigarettes). For a breast augmentation smoking is acceptable.
What Is The Best Incision For Breast Augmentation Surgery?

There are 3 commonly used incisions for breast augmentation and Dr. Anzarut is trained in each of these methods. They include:
- an incision in the breast fold (inframammary incision)
- an incision around the nipple (peri-areolar) and
- an incision in the armpit (trans-axillary). The most common incision used for breast augmentation is the inframammary incision. It is the most well hidden and allows the best view for the surgeon during the operation.
Peri-areolar incisions are avoided in most patients. This incision involves cutting near the milk ducts and there is a higher chance of infection. However, this incision is used when patients need correction of tubular or snoopy breasts.
The armpit incision is also called the trans-axillary incision. It is not used less often. The incision does not hide under clothing as well as the inframammary incision. What makes any incision less noticeable is the size of the scar. Most patients have incisions that heal and are barely visible. Rarely patients may have thicker scars, this may be due to genetics or irritation of the incision during the healing process.
What Determines The Size Of The Scar After Breast Augmentation?
For picture, please refer to Instagram photo at https://www.instagram.com/p/B788Q6UF5jV/
The size of the incision depends on the type of implant used. A mini-incision breast augmentation can be done when saline implants are used. Saline implants can be placed through a 1-2 cm incision. Saline implants go into the breast deflated. Silicone gel implants can be placed through a 3-6 cm incision. A funnel called the Keller funnel is used to help insert the silicone gel implant through a smaller incision.
Which Implants Are Better, Saline or Silicone?

It depends, all implants have an outer shell made of silicone. Saline implants are filled with salt water called saline. They are filled after they are placed in the breast. This allows Dr. Anzarut to perform surgery through a smaller 1 – 2 cm incision. All implants have the potential to show rippling through the skin. The potential for rippling is slightly more with saline implants. Saline implants can produce a more rounded upper pole. They are firmer than silicone implants. The main advantage of saline implants is their low maintenance. There is no monitoring or scheduled implant replacement required. If a saline implant ruptures it deflates, and the saline will be harmlessly absorbed by the body. Another advantage is the volume of saline implants can be adjusted at the time of surgery. This helps to compensate for minor differences between the breasts.
Silicone implants are filled with a thick silicone gel. If the implant is cut the silicone should maintain its shape. They are also called cohesive or ‘gummy bear implants’. Silicone gel implants have less rippling, they are softer, and have more of a shaped appearance than saline implants. They do require maintenance. Patients should have an MRI every 3 years and replacement of the implants every ten years.

How Do I Choose My Breast Implant Size ?
Dr. Anzarut will help you select your implant size.
Please look on the internet. Look at before and after photos of patients with a similar breasts as you have. The out depends on the breast implant and what your chest is like before surgery.
You will trial different breast sizers to get a feel for the general size that feels right. Dr. Anzarut will use the Mentor breast sizing system for breast sizing.
After this Dr. Anzarut will measure the width of your breasts. This is called the breast base diameter. Whatever implant you choose; the diameter should be less than you breast base width. This helps to keep the implant camouflaged.
Based on the results of the Mentor sizing system and your breast base size Dr. Anzarut will provide several implant options. He will provide you with actual breast implants. The implants will vary in the amount they project, this is the amount they stick out.
Most patients choose between a moderate, full, or extra-full projection. As the projection increase the implant will be heavier, create more upper pole fullness, and provide a more rounded look.
The best way to trial the implants is to place them into a sports bra. They should sit low in the bras. Once in place, close your eyes and use your hands to feel the implants. The ability of your hands to determine the right size is general better than your eyes.
Should My Breast Implants Go Above or Under The Muscle?
Breast implants most often go under the pectoralis major muscle. Two exceptions are topless dancers and professional body builders. These two groups have their breast implants placed above the muscle.
The advantages to placing implants under the muscle include:
- better camouflage
- less rippling
- higher position of the implants
- slower drop of the implants over time
- a more central position of the implants when laying flat, and
- a more natural transition between the upper chest and the implants.
Placing implants under the muscle means they will move slightly when the pectoralis major muscles are flexed. This is known as animation. The amount of animation a patient has is variable.
When breast implants are placed above the muscle there is no animation. The implants will sit lower on the chest. The transition between the chest and the implants will be more obvious. There is increased risk of implant show, and capsular contracture.

Is Fat Grafting Ever Used With Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Patients may undergo fat grafting in addition to breast augmentation. Fat grafting involves using liposuction to remove fat from one area of the body and inject it into another. Fat is harvested from the thighs and or abdomen. The fat is then placed into the breast. This is done to improve cleavage or Reduce implant camouflage.
For More Questions About Breast Augmentation – Ask Dr. Anzarut Breast Augmentation Surgeon in Vancouver
Being pro-active and participate during your breast augmentation consultation is paramount for the success of your procedure. Book a consultation with Dr. Anzarut at 778-455-3223 or send an email to discuss the best options for you and achieve the results you have been dreaming about.