With a 98% satisfaction rate, breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure.
Many women seeking breast augmentation surgery wish to avoid the tell-tale surgical scars. This is especially true among patients of Asian descent who have higher risks of developing dark thick scars.

Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation With Dr. Anzarut
Dr. Anzarut is now offering a tiny scar breast augmentation procedure.
After training both nationally and international he has developed a technique to allow for breast augmentation using a scar that is 1-2 cm in size. This results in a scar that heals as a tiny wrinkle that is often imperceptible after complete healing.
How Does the Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation Work?
The term “Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation” was coined by Dr. Jugenberg in Toronto (aka realdrsix).
By using saline implants and specially designed equipment the implant is placed through an incision that is 1-2 cm in size. Once inside the chest the implant is filled with saline. The entire procedure takes anywhere between 20 and 60 minutes.
The incision is usually place in the breast fold. Alternatively, it can be placed in the arm pit or axilla. For silicone filled implants the incision needs to be larger (2-4 cm in length). Large silicone gel implants require larger incisions.

What To Do After Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Before, during and after the surgery Dr. Anzarut provides a number of different medications to reduce the amount of post-operative pain. Whether the implant is placed above or below the muscle, most patients are comfortable after surgery.
- For the first 48 hours patients may take Tylenol 3# which contains codeine.
- After 48 hours most patients are off any narcotic pain medications and able to return to sedentary activities.
- For the first six weeks after surgery the pectoral muscle will feel sore. This is like having completed a tough cross fit class. Patients are to avoid pectoral muscle exercises. They can shower immediately, however submersion in the bath, hot tubs or the ocean is to be avoided. Patients are to stay in a sports bra with no underwire during this time.
- At six weeks patient can return to full activities.
Cost of Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation in Vancouver
Cost: 9,000 + GST
$10,500 + GST if the implant is placed through the arm pit
Return to sedentary activities: 2 days
Return to all activities: 6 weeks