Eyelid Reconstruction
Case 13183 Eyelid Reconstruction with Flaps
This 80-year-old woman underwent removal of a full thickness lower eyelid tumor. The tarsus was reconstructed with a periosteal flap and the skin was reconstructed with a Mustarde flap (case # 13183).
Case 13975 Eyelid Reconstruction With a Graft


This 51-year-old woman had a cancer removed from her lower eyelid. The defect was reconstructed with a graft of skin taken from her upper eyelid (Case # 13975).
Case 6609 Ectropion Repair with a Graft


This 89-year-old gentleman’s right sided post-traumatic ectropion was reconstructed using a full thickness skin graft (Case # 6609).
Case 10579 Eyelid Reconstruction with Flap


This 80-year-old woman underwent reconstruction of her left lower eyelid cancer defect with a cheek rotation flap (Case #10579).
Nasal Reconstruction
Case 1 – Nasal reconstruction


This gentleman had resection of a nasal skin cancer and reconstruction with a forehead flap.
Case 12081 Nasal Reconstruction


This 80-year-old gentleman underwent nasal skin cancer resection and reconstruction with a forehead flap (case #12081)
Case 6960 Nasal Reconstruction
This 79-year-old gentleman underwent total nasal alar reconstruction using a forehead flap, septal flap, and ear cartilage (case # 6960).
Case 13437 Nasal Reconstruction


This 75-year-old gentleman underwent dorsal flap reconstruction of his nasal cancer defect. He chose not to pursue dermabrasion to improve the scar (Case # 13437).
Case 11559 Nasal Reconstruction

This 80-year-old gentleman underwent total nasal alar reconstruction using a forehead flap, septal flap, and ear cartilage (case # 11559).
Case 11570 Skin Graft to the Nose


This 57-year-old man had removal of a basal cell skin cancer and reconstruction with a skin graft, the colour match will improve with time (case # 11570). Flap reconstruction may provide a better cosmetic outcome, however flaps cannot be performed safely in smokers.
Lip Reconstruction
Case 15588 Repair of Lip Laceration


This 24-year-old woman underwent repair of her traumatic lip laceration. This result is 10 days after surgery (case #15588).
Breast Reconstruction
Case 10850 Breast Reconstruction


This 73-year-old woman underwent reconstruction after lumpectomy and radiotherapy for left breast cancer. She was treated with a right breast lift and a left side oncoplastic reconstruction (case #10850).
Scar revision
Case 9525 Tracheostomy Scar Revision


This 42-year-old gentleman was bothered by the appearance and abnormal motion of his tracheostomy scar. It was treated with a scar revision of the skin and z-plasty of the plastyma muscle (case #9525).
Case 2 Scar Revision of the Cheek


This 65 year old woman underwent a right cheek scar revision.
Case 15729 Forehead Laceration

This 24-year-old woman suffered a laceration to the forehead. Using the plastic surgery principles of eversion and chemical paralysis the final result can be a minimal scar (case #15729).